Art Print《新鐵血戰士》Predators
"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man. And those who've hunted armed men long enough, and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter." - Royce
《新鐵血戰士》Predators (2010)
Art Print size:5R: 13cm(W) x 18cm(H)
A4: 21cm(W) x 29.7cm(H)
畫不連裱框: 30cm x 40 cm
A3: 30cm(W) x 40cm(H)
Art Print material: 270gsm acid-free paper (無酸紙)
A2 Poster: 42cm(W) x 59.4cm(H)
Poster material: 180gsm Inkjet paper (噴畫紙)
A1 Poster: 59.4cm(W) x 84.1cm(H)
Poster material: 180gsm Inkjet paper (噴畫紙)